Running Training: A Holistic, Evidence-Infused Philosophy

Running Training: A Holistic, Evidence-Infused Philosophy

by Chris Johnson PT

Consistency and Moderation Reign Supreme.

That’s the bedrock of my training theme.

Whether recovering from an injury or new to running, the initial goal is to have you run on non-consecutive days.

It’s also important you stay on top of wellness factors like sleep, which means stop scrolling – it’s time to hit the hay.

As you start stringing workouts together, your cardiovascular system will rapidly adapt.

However, respect that your musculoskeletal system will not adapt quite as fast.

I already sound like a broken record, though the cornerstone of success as an endurance athlete is consistency of training, so protect it at all costs.

Because if sidelined from training, the adaptations you’ve worked so hard for will go to pot.

Once you’ve proven tolerance to several weeks of measured training, it’s time to consider adding some intensity.

To run faster, one must hit the ground harder so do so sensibly.

Thanks to Dr. Dan Cleather, I often refer to these as “hot sessions.”

They demand you to be fresh otherwise, be prepared to learn your lesson.

10-15s measured strides are a sensible place to start.

These involve running fast and relaxed, and it’s OK if you let out a fart.

Tempo and interval runs also qualify as hot sessions, and initially should be performed on level ground.

These can also be done on a track if you like running round and round.

Of course, the long run is important and something that runners fret about.

If you’re looking to build durability, you can perform it on a rolling to hilly route.

An acronym I often share with athletes is F.D.D.I., which stands for frequency, duration, density, and intensity.

It serves as a great framework to reduce programming complexity.

Most of you understand what frequency, duration, and intensity mean.

Density is how much time we afford between.

If you look at my programming, I often advise runners to afford a minimum of 6hrs (if doing “two a days”) but ideally 24hrs b/w runs.

This ensures that bone regains its mechanosensitivity.

In effect, it safeguards against bone stress injuries.

Any runner who has sustained one can attest that they’re no fun.

Because, as runners, we’re stripped of the very thing we love to do which is run.

Now, back to training.

The ultimate goal is to help you build, maintain, and connect running qualities such as speed, the heart’s ability to pump blood or time on feet.

To build a running quality, challenge the runner with a session designed to create the appropriate stimulus once a week.

Once established, ensure you don’t lose it by checking that box every two-three weeks.

And, of course, it’s critical to ensure you’re fueling appropriately to meet your training needs.

Based on current research, we’re starting to appreciate carbohydrates reign supreme.

Asker Jeukendrup has created some excellent resources if you’re looking to determine appropriate carb intake.  

Here is a link to one infographic in particular that was great.

If there’s one thing a runner should do beyond running, it’s likely resistance training.

Lifting can be simple, and I’ll try to ensure this doesn’t come across as mansplaining.

Considering the seminal papers by Dorn et al. and Hamner et al., we should focus on building strength and capacity in the calves, quads, hammies, and hips.

To help accomplish this, we can pick a compound exercise such as a squat and deadlift.

Working in heavy farmer marches also does wonders and is often the missing ingredient in many strength programs.

Challenging runners with a power or plyometric-based activity is also essential since running is about elasticity.

These also take on greater importance when a runner is recovering from a bone stress injury.

Jumping activities are also crucial for bone health and critical for younger runners, given the bone growth “window of opportunity.”

Thanks to research done in racquet sport athletes the greatest benefits seem to happen before the end puberty.

However, don’t get carried away with extensive training in this form, and make sure you understand the runner’s past medical history.

The reason it’s crucial is that in addressing bone stress injury, we aim for loading impulsivity.

Power and plyometric training are also safe and vital as we age to stave off losing reactive strength.

All you need to do is observe a geriathlete runner to appreciate this manifests as a reduction in stride length.

Regarding specific exercises, pogo jumps, broad jumps, and simple skipping variations are often the most practical drills.

They’re also great because they’ll challenge your rhythm and timing skills.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to incorporate localized loading such as calf raises and seated knee extensions.

If you’re wondering what angle to focus on, it’s essential to understand the relationship between muscle length and tension.

For example, if we’re talking about the calf muscle complex, aim for higher loads and work into 15-20 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion.

And please, if you’re dealing with running-related pain or injury, just say no to pills and corticosteroid injections.

Localized training is also essential, especially if one has a history of lower limb tendinopathy, as it creates a situation where the tissues have no place to hide.

However, this places a greater responsibility on the clinician-coach to get the sets and reps right, so make sure you carefully decide.

Incorporating an upper-body push or pull is an excellent way to round out the program.

These can be performed horizontally or vertically, and I’m confident you’ll find many options through a search on Instagram.

So, to wrap things up, consider the following..

Most of your training should involve running slow sprinkled with some fast.

And remember, you’ll never survive if you’re always on the gas.

Sometimes, run solo, though I also suggest running with a group.

And always be wary of any coach who makes you run til you puke.

In Steve Magness’s wise words, the ultimate aim of training is to “disturb or embarrass your system.”

Consider using an autoregulatory approach because when it comes to your mind-body it’s important you listen.

Also, keep a few different shoes (different types and brands) in your weekly rotation.

There’s an excellent study by Malisoux et al. on this topic, so check out the reference section if you’re looking for the citation.

The idea behind using different running shoes is to expose the body to variable internal and external forces while calling on it to adapt.

And please be patient, as this is almost a rap 🎤.

Keep in mind running should be fun and is one of the most efficient and practical modes of exercise.

Whether you run for health or wellness, to race, or set a P.R., it’s up to you to decide.

Although you might’ve been told running is bad for your joints, research shows it does not lead to hip and knee arthritis.

If you run on roads, remember to run against traffic or stay on the opposite side relative to cyclists.

If you run regularly, chances are, at some point, you’ll likely deal with running-related pain or injury.

As my daughter likes to say in such instances, “Dad, I think you need to run more gingerly.”

And remember never to panic or incessantly worry about whether or not you’ll run again.

If you need any help, I happen to know a trusted running clinician 😉

Lastly, remember most runners don’t have unrealistic goals so much as unrealistic timelines.

If you have any questions about program design, please know I’m here to help. Contact me anytime.


  1. Aagaard P, Andersen JL. Effects of strength training on endurance capacity in top-level endurance athletes. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010 Oct;20 Suppl 2:39-47.
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  8. Cleather D, John D. The Little Black Book of Training Wisdom: How to train to improve at any sport. 2018.
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  16. Steve Magness Blog | Science of Running – click HERE
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Taking The Plunge

Taking The Plunge

Why there’s never a better time than now to embrace your entrepreneurial spirit 

table of people working together to finish puzzle

I never anticipated that receiving a pin the size of a penny would spark my entrepreneurial journey, but that’s how it all started. Let’s rewind to my days in New York City. 

After spending eight years at the Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine (NISMAT), one of the doctors at the institute offered me the opportunity to lead a new physical therapy practice they were opening. I found myself at a crossroads. I yearned to forge my own path but also cherished the camaraderie and intellectual challenge of being part of the brilliant NISMAT team. I decided to accept the doctor’s offer, which gave me a chance to make more money, continue my research, and stay connected with the NISMAT team. 

With the practice up and running, my anticipation for an end-of-year bonus grew as we reached the end of the fiscal year. However, instead of a substantial check, I received a modest pin from the practice’s administrator. This unexpected gesture forced a realization – it was time to start my own venture. 

Nearly 15 years later, after navigating the entrepreneurial landscape in NYC and currently overseeing two businesses in Seattle, I want to share my insights, failures, and lessons with you. 

These insights are also at the core of the Running Your Business mastermind, which Nathan and I are hosting for the third time in 2024. If you’re interested, you can visit our page to learn more. We’re also happy to coordinate a call to ensure it’s the right fit for you.

You’re Never Ready

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

– Chinese Proverb

Launching a business can feel like you’re on the precipice, wondering if the leap will lead to success or peril. Despite feeling like you’re about to dive into frigid, shark-infested waters, I assure you this is likely not the case. Reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey, the pivotal moment came when I mustered the courage to share my venture with my network. Friends and colleagues emerged ready to support and catch me if I faltered. Among those colleagues was Gary Cohen. In a transformative three-hour session, he kindled the entrepreneurial spirit within me, sketching out a 20-year vision on a paper table mat in an Upper East Side restaurant. 

Gratitude extends to others like Joe Masiello and Gabe Valencia of Focus Integrated Fitness. During a crucial phase, they provided a physical space on the 11th floor of 115 W. 27th St. and supported me as I got my biz up and running. If you’re reading this, know you guys are class acts. RESPEK 👊🏻. And of course, a sincere thanks to all the people who trusted me to troubleshoot their situation during my time in NYC. 

illustration of Business man walking through open door that says on background...Once you take that leap of faith and accept that readiness is a myth, you will find that opportunities materialize. 

Get Clear on Your Core Values 

“Once you have identified your core values, they become guide rails for your actions.” 

– Brad Stulberg

The term “core values” often gets thrown around casually but treating them lightly can be catastrophic for a new business. About five years ago, I realized the significance of not only having values but giving them life—putting pen to paper and articulating why they mattered to me. This exercise proved to be pivotal. Core values serve as anchors when you face tough decisions that impact the fate of your business. I challenge you to invest time in distilling your core values. Once they’re identified, post them on your desk, discuss them in your newsletter, and proudly display them on your website. This not only holds you accountable but reinforces a sense of purpose and direction on your entrepreneurial journey.

“There are no small jobs, only small fees.”

– Zig Ziglar

As a self-proclaimed people pleaser, I’ve grappled with the inclination to overextend myself, often going above and beyond. However, a hard truth emerges over time—delivering the attention a situation warrants requires immense effort.

In my practice, connecting with patients or clients is more than a scheduled appointment. It involves giving undivided attention, working systematically to devise a comprehensive plan, and following up with a detailed email summarizing the session. I also make myself available for any questions or situations that may arise. If I were to bill solely for the time spent during the appointment, it would be a disservice to myself and my customers, as their situations wouldn’t receive the attention they deserve.

Life is About Relationships…Hard Stop 

Illustration of avatar icons connected by string with writing on background that says...Critter…the most important thing in life is relationships. That's all you have when you strip everything else away”

In high school, I had the privilege of being coached in tennis by Whitney Snyder, affectionately known as “Whit.” His unique life perspective, shaped by his father’s role as a pioneer in the steel industry during Pittsburgh’s heyday added a profound layer to his insights. 

Whit emphasized that relationships are the most critical aspect of life and it resonated deeply with me. He lived by this principle, evident in his weekly calls with each team member to discuss tennis strategies, team roles and to delve into personal aspects of our lives, such as prom plans or remembering to get a Mother’s Day card for our moms. 

While the allure of transactional relationships may be tempting, my aim is always to cultivate what Edgar Schein terms level 2 relationships. In contrast to level 1 relationships that maintain professional distance, level 2 relationships thrive on openness and trust. Just as I encourage clients to share personal information, I reciprocate by being open and honest, embracing vulnerability when necessary. I am also committed to actively maintaining connections with mentors and coaches who have positively influenced my journey. Personal and professional relationships contribute a profound richness to life—a depth that transcends mere transactions.

If Use Value Isn’t > Cash Value, the Offering is Weak

My close friend and insightful thinker, Ryan Debell, once shared a fundamental truth in the realm of entrepreneurial ventures: when the use value exceeds the cash value, success becomes inevitable. If you’ve ever wondered why a venture faltered, a product failed to resonate, or people hesitated to invest in your time or offer, it likely traces back to a breach of this universal law. 

This principle resonates profoundly in every product, offering, or resource I create and the litmus test is straightforward: when my clients reflect on the services they compensated me to provide, do they feel that it was money well spent? 

In the rare event that customers or clients feel their money wasn’t well spent, I gladly issue a refund. Violating this law induces distress and invites negative energy. Upholding this principle not only safeguards the integrity of my ventures but ensures a harmonious and positive entrepreneurial journey.

Take money, power, and status out of the equation. Then make your decision.

One of the most profound pieces of wisdom I’ve ever received was from a gentleman named Wilfred. During the latter part of his life, I had the privilege of working closely with him.

In a reflective moment over lunch before his passing, Wilfred shared a nugget of advice that has become an anchor in my decision-making process. He remarked, “Look around… nearly everyone here is preoccupied with money, sex, power, and status. If there’s one thing I’ve learned at this point in my life, it’s that it’s all bullshit. If I can leave you with one thing, it’s that anytime you go to make a decision, take these things out of the equation, and you’ll never make a bad one.”

These poignant words, spoken by someone who had amassed a fortune but realized its inability to bring solace in his later years, left an indelible mark. Since that day, I’ve adhered to this advice and it’s proven to be a north star guiding me toward choices aligned with authenticity and fulfillment.

Map out Your User Journey

One critical step I admit to overlooking during the early stages of my career is mapping out a client’s journey with my business. Committing to this process can reveal potential bottlenecks and allows for refining specific touchpoints, ultimately elevating the overall client experience.

For instance, when a budding entrepreneur schedules a session with me, my initial step is to conduct an online search using their name. If the search results are empty or if I fail to land on their website, it raises immediate concerns. If a website is present, it’s important to evaluate how seamless the process is for visitors to understand the offerings and schedule appointments. The user journey must be frictionless, especially considering many patients are already stressed about pain and injury. Making the process easy for them becomes paramount, especially if you operate as a fee-for-service provider. 

Never be Afraid to Ask and Take Initiative

“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.” 

– Maya Angelou

During my time playing competitive tennis as an undergrad for the University of Delaware, I grappled with a serious shoulder injury. Throughout my recovery, I collaborated with world-class physical therapists, which made me realize that studying physical therapy and the rehab process was something I wanted to explore. While it was not my major at the time, I took the initiative to identify researchers at UD who were studying areas I was interested in and then headed to the physical therapy department to communicate my interest. I ended up connecting with Dr. Lynn Snyder-Mackler, a leader in ACL rehab. After sharing my story and interest to pursue a career in physical therapy, I asked to volunteer in her lab. That pivotal moment marked the beginning of my journey and changed the trajectory of my professional existence. 

I challenge you to summon the courage to ask for what you want. The worst-case scenario is a rejection, which, far from being a setback, might serve as the very motivation to fuel your pursuits. 

Don’t be Afraid to Fail

Illustration of target with many missed arrows and one on the bullseye. Background says...I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”

Failure is an unwelcome companion on the path to anything worthwhile, yet it’s an integral part of the process. Even if it involves a substantial financial loss, failure holds value as long as it imparts lessons that are applicable to the future. When I reflect on my initial triathlons where mechanical issues led to DNFs or the early days of teaching courses with minimal attendance, I recognize that while these experiences bruised my ego they also fortified my mind. 

Embrace failure, learn from it, and let it propel you forward on your path to success.

Take Care of Yourself

There may be no simpler advice for ambitious entrepreneurs. When I first ventured out on my own, it was during the “Crush It” era when Gary Vaynerchuk inspired young entrepreneurs to hustle at all costs. As much as I appreciated Gary’s message about hard work and hustling, I also knew deep down that adopting this approach was not sustainable. 

Similar to training for marathons or long-course triathlons, achieving success as an entrepreneur demands consistent, measured efforts day in and day out. Like endurance training, embracing incremental gains and navigating road bumps become essential. Though my persistence remains unwavering, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of carving out time each day for training. It fortifies me physically, sets an example for my kids, heightens my intellect, and bolsters my productivity.

So, whatever your endeavor, prioritize physical activity. The mode of exercise is less critical than some social influencers may suggest. It’s about community, connection, and exploring movement in a way you enjoy while staying mindful of wellness factors. And when in doubt, I recommend farmer marches and going for a walk—a simple yet effective way to recalibrate both body and mind.

“Professionals base their decisions in denominators, not numerators”

-Dr. Malachy McHugh

Early in my career, I was called out by my mentor, Mal McHugh while delivering a presentations at a NISMAT staff meeting. I had drawn erroneous conclusions from a study, having only read its abstract. This experience taught me a vital lesson—speaking authoritatively on a subject requires a thorough understanding of the pertinent research.

Many individuals discuss topics without realizing the wealth of published research critical to claiming expertise. Beyond one’s specific field, it’s equally, if not more essential to explore unrelated subjects. This broader reading often facilitates the discovery of analogies and parallels that enrich my professional work. While folks love to ask, “What do you do for a living?” I find greater value in knowing what someone is reading and what captures their interest. If you haven’t yet embraced the joy of reading, I encourage you to do so. Nothing has proven more valuable in my life than immersing myself in the pages of a book or research article.

Focus, Grasshopper

green grasshopper

Our most precious and finite resource is time, a commodity often squandered. While I’m not immune to distractions, I’ve honed a highly effective Pomodoro workflow strategy, working in focus for 25-minute blocks throughout the day. By consistently completing 6-8 Pomodoro blocks daily, I accomplish substantial tasks.

An element of my routine that I find particularly enjoyable is incorporating short breaks for exercise or movement after each 25-minute work segment. This enhances my productivity, and by day’s end, I’ve also engaged in meaningful strength training. This approach also leaves me feeling physically and mentally primed for activities like swimming, biking, and running.

I advise activating the, “Do Not Disturb” mode and diving into your work. You’ll be astonished by the enhanced productivity and overall sense of well-being that a structured routine can bring. Remember that while not every day may unfold as planned, like training, success is about the collective body of work.

Barriers to Entry Are Minimal

The present offers an unparalleled opportunity to embark on your entrepreneurial journey, and with the advent of AI and the abundance of user-friendly, no-code tools, launching a business has never been more accessible.

If certain business aspects don’t align with your strengths or interests, consider outsourcing them. A wealth of individuals are passionate about the tasks you might find tedious, and they can efficiently handle them for a reasonable fee.

If I can navigate this path, I’m confident you can, too. If you’re teetering on the edge of entrepreneurship, it’s time to trust yourself and take the plunge. Even if you discover that entrepreneurship isn’t your calling, the lessons learned will be invaluable and will undoubtedly shape your future endeavors.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts.

Marching Madness | 7 Marching Drills to Improve Your Running Form

Marching Madness | 7 Marching Drills to Improve Your Running Form

7 Marching Drills That Will Improve Your Running 

As Dick Vitale would say, “It’s March Madness, Baby!”  

To celebrate, I’d like to share some marching madness.

Reflecting over the past two decades of my physical therapy, coaching, and sporting career, if there’s been one constant aside from swim, bike, run, lift, it’s undoubtedly a shit ton of marching. 

Marching is a drill that challenges runners from an upright, single-leg standpoint that can be modified in several ways to challenge the performer pending the goal.

I tend to weave in some combination of marching drills throughout most days and encourage you to do the same unless there is some medical precaution or contraindication. 

Early in my career, I prioritized static single leg balance drills to a greater degree, but I quickly learned that runners check out pretty damn quick if you don’t put them into motion. 

In general, static single-leg balance work for runners is like having a cyclist practice balancing their bike in place — perhaps appropriate if you’re a bike messenger in New York City. Otherwise, there’s probably not a lot of bang for your buck. With that said, I do still incorporate some single leg balance work using my friend Jay Dicharry’s Mobo Board, especially after a lateral ankle sprain or if people need to restore foot and ankle capacity following a leg injury.

This blog post will take you through the 7 most common marching drills I prescribe while unpacking the rationale and discussing how to implement them into your routine.

Prepare for Marching

To get started I often have people march barefoot on firm, level ground. This helps you appreciate what your “little piggies” are doing by giving your nervous system more input through the high concentration of mechanoreceptors on the sole of our feet. Otherwise, aim to progress by using a thin, firm-soled shoe. 

When performing the marching drills, the goal is to initially find a tempo or pace that feels smooth and fluid. From there, you can work on slowing it down or speeding it up from there. Also, know that it’s perfectly normal to feel a bit wobbly unless you perform in Cirque de Soleil.

Strive for mastery and grace, and remember that mistakes drive (motor) learning. 

  1. Baseline Marching – if you’re new to marching, start here. March forward in a smooth, fluid manner. A practical and straightforward way to progress this drill is by rotating your head side to side or by closing one eye at a time. Stick the high knee position for a second, and when going to lower the non-balancing leg to the ground, initiate contact with the ball of your foot before gently lowering the heel to the ground. You can also march to a metronome at different beat frequencies. I often start at 30 beats per minute (bpm) and work up to 120bpm in 30 beat increments. As you go from 30 to 120bpm, you’ll appreciate the greater coordination requirements, not to mention having to hit the ground harder, which is an essential part of the rehab process in preparation for running.

  1. Prisoner March – the prisoner march is a simple progression from the baseline march in that you’re taking the arms out of the equation. This drill promotes getting tall, a common denominator among the world’s best runners. I often find myself prescribing this variation for high school runners. 

  1. March to Overhead Reach – this marching drill is sometimes referred to as a “vertical bird dog.” It’s a staple for triathletes I work with because it engenders a sense of being long while challenging overhead mobility. It kind of sounds like freestyle swimming, eh?

  1. 3-Way Mini Band March – another variation I often incorporate into a triathlete’s programming. It challenges the shoulder musculature and demands a rhythm and timing element to coordinate/synchronize the movement of the arms and legs.

  1. March w/ Weight Overhead – a great marching drill to challenge a runner’s trunk control. There is no need to get carried away with the weight…a 10-25lb dumbbell or bumper plate is sensible. Holding a dowel rod or broomstick also works well for adolescent athletes. 

  1. March w/ Punch – although the arms generally don’t break the plane (forward) of the body with distance running, I like this drill as it promotes a skosh of spinal rotation, which is healthy for your back. Some athletes like holding lightweight (5-10lb) dumbbells when doing this. Perhaps I’m just challenging my inner Bruce Lee by incorporating the punch.

  1. Marching Matrix – this drill is for you if you’re looking to get FONCY by combining a handful of different marching variations in a series. A lightweight (10-15lbs) med ball, dumbbell, or equivalent is all you need, and you’re in business. 

How To Incorporate Marching into Your Routine

When it comes to training, I often have runners and triathletes use marching drills at the beginning of a strength training session or the end of a run as part of a walking cool-down to engender a sense of being tall.

Programming marching drills at the beginning of a strength training session is great as it affords an excellent way to check out from your daily grind and segue into your strength session. 

For example, I routinely pick one of the marching drills above and have an athlete complete 2-3, 1-minute passes before getting into the crux of the lifting session. 

Those athletes who trust me to coach them can attest that I often prescribe a one-minute pass of the march to overhead reach as part of their walking cool-down post-run. There is nothing like having runners wrap up their run with a drill that promotes getting tall and upright.

I also incorporate the marching drills randomly throughout the day as “movement snacks.” Shoutout to Ben Cormack for this phrase. For example, I use the Pomodoro method, where I work in a 25-minute block then take a 5-minute break. During the break is when I do the marching drills. Since many people are working from home, this has become easier, and you don’t need to worry about your colleagues making fun of you. By day’s end, I’m willing to bet that you’ll feel better by implementing a similar approach and be more productive. 

So there you have it, Marching Madness. Please reach out with questions. Otherwise…FORWARD MARCH!

The Runner’s Despair

The Runner’s Despair

One of the greatest challenges I face in working with runners is what I refer to as “Runner’s Despair.” So, I decided to write a poem about it…

“Why me?”

“Will I ever run again?”

“This isn’t fair!”

Please don’t fret as this is a classic case of “Runner’s Despair.”

You’ve likely tried pulling back on training and resting without any luck.

Maybe you’ve resorted to pulls, injectables, and/or surgery while having parted with several hundred bucks.

Please put your mind at ease and try your best not to freak out or worry.

Look…as much as I wish we could rush biology it often creates a strike against us to be in such a hurry.

This situation has arisen for reasons you’ll likely never fully know though it demands some reflection.

And believe me…I’m well aware of your running predilection.

Take this time to pick up a book, phone a friend, or tend to things that you’ve put on the back burner and need your attention.

Appreciate that perhaps you’ll have to confront some challenging issues and face adversity so it’s normal to have some apprehension.

Do know that you WILL get on the other side of this turmoil and once again take flight.

This will not be an easy process and could very well take all your might.

And never forget that you’re best running lies ahead.

So chill out and power off as it’s time to get to bed.

I’ll see you bright and early and be ready to get to work.

For the record, let it be known that you’ve been put on alert.

Never forget that you’re only as good as your last injury and the extent to which you rehabbed it.

And please don’t gimme this shit that you’re gonna quit.

It’s time to saddle up…are you ready to commit?

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